Monday, October 20, 2008
Fish Don't Fry in the Kitchen...
On a sad note, Chris left Sunday for a 6-week field rotation in Carthage, Texas. He is about three hours from Houston in the middle of nowhere; the only thing that they do out there is drill for gas! Luckily he will be home on the weekends, but during the week it is just me and the pups. :(
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Music to Our Ears
So far, we have noticed a huge difference in the level of care and attention that you receive from a midwife versus an ob/gyn. The appointments average 45 minutes to an hour! Our midwife sat and spoke with us about nutrition, exercise, our concerns, etc... She used a hand held Doppler to detect the baby's heart rate; it was wonderful to hear a healthy heart beating away! We are scheduled to go back for another check-up in one month.
We have belly pictures from 4 weeks and 13 weeks but the difference is pretty small, so we will probably take another picture in a few weeks then post them on here. CHEERS!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Oh, Canada...
Chris and I returned from our trip to Canada late last night; we had a total blast, but we are very excited to be home. I desperately missed the mundane routine of my everyday life. We spent the first five days of our trip in Calgary where Chris attended a conference for Devon. I spent my days exploring the city. I explored the beautiful parks, attended plays, went to museums, and shopped!! It was great fun. Chris and I went to a great island park one day where we bugged the geese. We also had a complete blast at the Calgary zoo.
We stayed in Banff for the remaining four days of our vacation. Banff is a gorgeous little ski town! The view of the Canadian Rockies is breathtaking. We took a day trip up to Lake Louise, a pristine glacier-fed lake. We also ventured up to the Columbia Ice field and frolicked on the glacier all day.
Yay! It's a....human

More Seamonkey Pictures
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Hurricane + Morning sickness + No power = NO FUN!

Here are some pictures from our second ultrasound. My doctor is keeping a very close eye on both myself and the baby, so we will be going in once a week throughout the first trimester. (We love it because we get to see the baby every week, and we are gathering quite the picture collection!) Here I am a little over 8 weeks along in the pregnancy and have just started to not feel so hot throughout the day!
Hurricane Ike is definitely not making this process any easier. We lost power for about 12 days! My appetite has pretty much disappeared, and the only foods that I can stomach recently have been popcorn and goldfish crackers. Here are some pictures of the hurricane excitement! We lost two very large trees in the backyard. The large oak landed directly on the garage. :( Sophie entertained herself by dressing-up when there was no electricity! :)
First Glimpse
Here are some pictures from our very first ultrasound that was done on September 3rd.
The baby is just a little blip on the screen, but it was still exciting to see our little peanut looking healthy! We were even able to hear and see the heartbeat at just 6 ½ weeks!! I am still feeling great; hearing the heartbeat made everything seem so much more real now! At this point I was having no noticeable symptoms yet!