Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Settlin' In

It has been just over 2 weeks since we brought Lilah home, and I have to tell you it has flown by far faster than I could have imagined! It is amazing to look back at her first pictures and see how much she has changed already. She is already weighing in at over 8.5 pounds (being a first time mom that is exclusively breastfeeding, I am quite proud of this). It is overwhelming to know that I am able to provide her with all of the nourishment that she needs! Her little cheeks are getting chubbier by the day :)
She is becoming more and more vocal everyday! We laugh so hard at her little grunts and groans; Chris calls them her dinosaur noises. She nurses about every 2.5 hours during the day and about every 3-4 hours at night. We are co-sleeping, so this makes night feedings much easier. Overall, we are getting plenty of sleep; we've just gotten used to many short "naps" rather than one long sleep at night. Her favorite place to nap is on Chris' chest...I know he will miss lounging around with her all day once he goes back to work. The pups have been amazing with her; they are mostly disinterested, and only rarely will they get close enough to investigate the little creature that we brought into their home! It has been SO nice having Chris home for 3 weeks, and I will miss having his help around the house. Here are some pictures of her first 2 weeks at home.
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