Today Lilah had her 2 month check-up with Dr. Injac, a.k.a. the most awesome pediatrician ever!!! She is still perfect :) She weighs 11lbs 2oz (50th percentile), is 23 inches long (75th percentile), and her head is 16 inches around (90th percentile). Not sure where she got that big ol' noggin from? We discussed her vaccine schedule again...
Before I was even pregnant I started reading all of the scientific literature regarding vaccines and decided that we would probably not follow the standard AAP vaccine guidelines when we had kids. I continued my research while I was pregnant and decided on a delayed vaccine schedule. We spoke with our pediatrician at length when I was pregnant about the matter; we discussed our home life, daycare options (or lack thereof), and exclusive/extended breastfeeding, etc... Basically we decided, for our family, it was best for us to delay the start of Lilah's vaccinations until she is 6 months old. So as of now, she has yet to receive any immunizations. I couldn't in good conscience willingly expose her to known toxic components during such a critical developmental time period (especially since I worked so hard to limit her exposure before, during, and after my pregnancy). I find something fundamentally wrong with giving a 1-hour old baby a vaccine for Hep B, a virus transmitted through bodily fluids (IV drug users, sexual transmission, or exposed healthcare workers). Seeing as I know, for a fact, that I do not have Hep B, I knew that my child was safe during delivery, and I don't see Lilah becoming a drug addict or having unprotected sex in the next 4 months ;)
Anyway, I could go on all day about that debate, but back to happy stuff...
We are getting settled back in at home after the NC trip just in time to start getting ready for Florida!!! B.G. is super stoked about her 1st long road trip!
Later Gators!!!
1 comment:
Glad to hear the super baby is really super!!!!!
We are counting down to FL too!!!
Love and Hugs!!!!
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