Another month has come and gone as quick as a blink of the eye! This month we have enjoyed my most favorite time of the season…the weeks following Thanksgiving and leading up to Christmas! At the beginning of this month, we picked out and decorated your very first Christmas tree, a beautiful 12-foot tall Noble Fir. You loved staring at the lights and sparkly ornaments day after day. You did an excellent job supervising Daddy as he decorated the outside of the house. This month you enjoyed seeing the Christmas lights on the houses around our neighborhood. This month ended on such a special note…your very first Christmas!! You awoke at 8:45 Christmas morning, and we met your Nana and Grandpa, your Aunt Ashlyn and Uncle Garrett and Aunt Sarah all in the living room where we opened presents. You laughed and played with the toy that Nana gave you for such a long time. You took quite a nap after the mornings festivities. After you were recharged, we headed over to GiGi and Grump’s house where you got to see your other 3 Uncles and Aunt Lauren. You had just as much fun during round two of Christmas.
This month you have become increasingly mobile! You can easily maneuver your way across the living room floor. You also pulled yourself up to standing for the first time this month. You reached over to grab the edge of the toy bin and pulled yourself right up. This month you learned that Daddy will clap for you if you bang your toys on the side of the tub during bath time, so now you do it all.the.time!
I haven’t weighed you in a while, but I believe you are around 18.5 pounds. You are still only eating about a tablespoon of food a day. Some days you eat no solid food; it just depends on where we are and what is available to eat. This month we picked satsumas with Grandpa in Alvin, and you really love these. If Daddy or I hold onto a segment, you will suck all of the pulp out of the skin. You also like blueberries, avocado, banana, and green beans. You nurse around the clock still (every 2-3 hours), but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love having this special time with you. At Christmas, when you got tired of being passed from person to person, a quick nursing session would perk you back up again. I knew that you weren’t nursing because you were hungry, but you were able to block out the noise and bustle of the gatherings by cuddling in close and locking eyes with me.