Monday, December 1, 2008

Jambalaya, Crawfish Pie, File' Gumbo!

This post is a little late, but we have been busy the last few weeks. Last weekend (before Thanksgiving), I flew to New Orleans where I met Chris for the weekend. Chris had been working in Morgan City, so he just drove up to get me and on Sunday we rode back to Houston together. We had a WONDERFUL weekend! Friday night we perused the art galleries and antique stores before enjoying a yummy dinner at Ralph & Kacoo's. Saturday we went to the aquarium, rode the Algiers ferry, saw a movie being filmed in Algiers, ate shrimp and oyster po-boys for lunch, strolled around and shopped in the French Market, ate a ton of fresh pralines, freshened up at the hotel, then went out for a fantastic dinner at Mr. B's Bistro (one of the Brennan's gajillion upscale restaurants!) We slept in a little on Sunday before making the obligatory trip to Cafe Du Monde where we sipped cafe' au laits and got covered in a fine layer of powdered sugar! This weekend trip was an excellent way to celebrate the end of Chris' field rotation. He is officially back in Houston for good!

Oh, I almost forgot, this weekend was also exciting because Chris got to feel the baby move for the first time when we were laying around in the hotel on Saturday night watching the OU-Tech game! So exciting!!


Ashley Howard said...

Oh we're gonna have some fun on the bayou!!!

Jim said...

Sounds like you guys had some fun. I sure hope it wasn't like Chris's 21st BD there! LOL
See you guys soon,